Mc2pWindow c2pWindow#.w,OpWidth.w,OpHeight.w[,SourceBWidth.w[,Processor.b],PlanarWidth.w,PlanarHeight.w]
Makes a c2pWindow object. This simply describes the size of the chunky-to-planar
operation to be later performed. The object does not contain any graphics data
and does not convert any data either. A c2pWindow object must be created before a
conversion can be performed. Operation width must be a multiple of 32 pixels. If
the source and destination `bitmaps' are a different size, or you have line
modulos in some other way, you must supply all the parameters. Specifying
processor is done in the same way as Mc2pCPUmode and has precicely the same
effect, and is a global setting so needs only be done once.
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